1720-1815. Born in Esopus, New York. Lived with Joseph, her husband, and their two daughters.
1720-1815. Born in Esopus, New York. Lived with Joseph, her husband, and their two daughters.
1748-1779. Born in Nazareth. Occupation unknown.
1755-1825. Born in Berbice, Guyana. Worked as a helper in the field.
1746-1780. Born in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Occupation unknown.
1752-1797. Born in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Worked as a farmer and in the cellar.
1745-1791. Born in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. One of the first boys to be sent to Christiansbrunn in September 1757, assigned to learn to be a tailor. Later worked as a tailor and a gardener.
1736-1812. Born in Basel, Switzerland. Seems to arrived in Christiansbrunn as an assistant in the washhouse. Worked as a baker. Identified as infirm on 1773-1775 tax lists.
1763-1813. Born in Nazareth. Became a teacher and pastor.
1702-1790. Born in Bürgenwald in Upper Silesia, Poland. Worked as a farmer and a gardener.
1742-1790. Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. One of the first cohort of boys sent to Christiansbrunn, assigned to learn to be a shoemaker. Later worked as a master shoemaker. Went from Christiansbrunn to Lititz in 1769. Left Christiansbrunn again when he married on August 21, 1782.
1745-1793. Born near Hannover, Germany. Occupation unknown.
1740-1781. Birthplace unknown. Worked as a thresher.
1767-????. Information unknown. Worked on the plantation.
1720-1801. Born in Asch, Czech Republic. Worked as a helper on the plantation and as a thresher, and attended to the cellar.
1720-1813. Born in Olesnica, Poland. Worked as a waggoner, cobbler, a farmer, and in the distillery.
1720-1795. Born in Neuendorff, Germany. Worked as a plantation worker, a headmaster, and a cellar master.
1725-1813. Born in Cieszyn, Poland. Worked as a carpenter, an accounting officer, and a land surveyor.
1721-1793. Born in Priegnitz, Germany. Worked as a plantation worker.
1757-1821. Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Worked as a gunsmith.
1715-1803. Born in Holstein. Worked as a stocking weaver. Left Christiansbrunn for Bethlehem in 1796.
1760-????. Born in Nazareth. Worked as a plantation worker.
1731-1779. Born in New York. Worked as a linen weaver.
1737-1802. Born in Hanau, Germany. Only had one arm; worked as a farmer.
1715-1782. Born in Würtemberg, Germany. Worked as a cobbler. Identified as infirm on 1773 tax list. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1747-1799. Born in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Worked as a farmer. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1713-1786. Born in Anspach, Germany. Worked as a shirt tailor and a barber ("employed in House-Work" in 1756). Identified as inform on 1773-1775 tax list.
1755-1797. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a gun stocker and as distiller. Married the widow Elizabeth Smith in 1787 and lived with his wife in Christiansbrunn until they moved to Nazareth, where Levering worked as a tinker, a blacksmith, and (in the 1790s) a gun stocker.
1760-1821. Born in Bethabara, NC. Worked as a gun stocker. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1712-1796. Born in Jutland, Denmark. Worked as a beer brewer and a distiller.
1745-1793. Born in Nazareth. One of the first cohort of boys to be sent to Christiansbrunn in September 1757, assigned to learn agriculture. Worked as a plantation worker and a woodcutter.
1752-1823. Born in Bethlehem. Arrived in Christiansbrunn in 1775, where he worked as a master smith. Married Philippina Loesch and lived as a married couple at Christiansbrunn. Moved to Nazareth by 1796.
1743-1827. Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. One of the first cohort of boys sent to Christiansbrunn, assigned to agriculture. Later worked as a thresher, a miller, and a farmer. Entered, but crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1763-1836. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a smith salesman. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1755-1832. Born in Bethlehem. Worked in the laundry and as a farmer. Married Catherine Blickensderfer in 1782 and the couple lived at Christiansbrunn.
1747-1816. Born in Nazareth. Worked as a farmer. Lived in Christiansbrunn as a single man and again as a married man, with his wife and family.
1715-1785. Born in Calstrup, Denmark. Worked as a carpenter. Identified as infirm on 1773 tax list.
1754-????. Birthplace unknown. Occupation unknown.
1725-1802. Born in Regensburg, Germany. Occupation unknown.
1724-1797. Born in Zauchtenthal, Moravia. Worked as a farmer and took care of the pigs. Moved to Nazareth Hall on 30 May 1757 and later to Christiansbrunn. Left Christiansbrunn for Bethlehem in 1796.
1718-1790. Born in Bad Heilbrunn, Germany. Worked as a butcher, but also helped out within the households as he could.
1714-1781. Born at Hessen-Cassel. Worked as a cook.
1757-????. Born in Gnadenthal. Worked as a farmer. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1715-1791. Born in Niederbronn-les-Bains, France. Worked as a carpenter.
1696-1785. Born in Jütland, Denmark. Held no working positions due to old age.
1714-c.1781.Born in Nuremberg, Germany. Worked as a tailor and Hexelschmitt. Came to Christiansbrunn in October 1767.
1758-1834. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a farmer and as a carpenter.
1761-1818. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a farmer and as a carter, transporting items.
1754-1819. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a flour miller and as a deacon.
1743-1785. Born in the Palatinate, Germany. Worked as a carter, providing transportation services.
1757-1817. Born in Gnadenthal. Worked on the plantation.
1764-1842. Born on road to Lititz. Worked as a tailor.
1739-1808. Born in Epstein, Germany. Worked as a brewer and a farmer.
1757-1822. Born in Gnadenthal, Pennsylvania. Worked as a cook and on the plantation.
1758-1811. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a gunsmith.
1749-1803. Born in Nazareth. Worked in the brewery. Entered, and crossed out, on 1781 tax preparation list.
1759-????. Born in Lancaster. Worked as a shoemaker.