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Samuel Lauck

01/20/1713-(?) Born in Anspach, Germany. Worked as a shirt tailor and a barber. [CHECK birth date: Naz burial records say 1713: cat 1742-55 says 1718] Cat 1779 says 1713; cat 1785 says 1713. Samuel Lauck. i, s. 16. Jan. 12. Born Jan. 30, 1713, at Rudenhausen. At the suggestion of Rev. J. Paul Weiss, came to Hermhut. Went to Halle for three years, laboring amongst the awakened soldiers there ; 1744, received into the congregation at Herrnhaag ; 1 750 to Bethlehem. Served in various capacities in Christianspring and later in the school at Maguntschi (Emmaus). He led an exemplary life.
Anspach, Germany
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