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This timeline offers detailed information about events or milestones at Christiansbrunn.

  • Henry Antes begins to build a combined sawmill and gristmill on land where Christiansbrunn would be established in 1749.

  • Johann Adam Schaus and Barbara Schaus move from Gnadenthal to run the grist and saw mill, which is now operational

  • A Bethlehem conference decides to call a planned settlement of single men "Christiansbrunn," after Christian Renatus von Zinzendorf, the chief elder of the single brothers in the church.

  • The mill is destroyed by fire.

  • Twenty two single men settle at Christiansbrunn to establish the Single Brethren's Economy.

  • A new sawmill is built to replace the one destroyed by fire.

  • Thirty single men from Henry Jorde's colony arrive in Christiansbrunn.

  • Joshua, an enslaved man formerly owned by Timothy Horsfield, moves to Christiansbrunn.

  • Authorities in Germany declare that "farming the fields and meadows remains the most important thing" for the men at Christiansbrunn. "The setting up of many mechanics" at Christiansbrunn, they add, "is probably not according to the plan."

  • Five families from the nearby Irish settlement take refuge in Christiansbrunn.

  • A company of Quakers from Easton visits to see the tame trout.

  • During 1756, three married couples (Jordes, Schmidts, Segners) were assigned to Christiansbrunn to work with the cattle, after the Boehmers moved to Bethlehem.

  • The men are making charcoal.

  • Rubel, Hanke, and Schoen are making bricks.

  • 16 boys, who would be trained as writers, tailors, shoemakers, and farmers, arrive from Bethlehem along with 4 overseers.

  • The carpenters pitch a bee-house.

  • David Tannenberg delivers a new organ to Christiansbrunn and installs it the following day.

  • Spangenberg and others arrive to consecrate the new liturgy hall.

  • The Cider Mill was worked on.

  • Christiansbrunn purchases a set of used trombones from Bethlehem for £2.10.

  • Native American brethren from Wechquetank arrive at Christiansbrunn to have their rifles repaired.

  • Construction on a gun stocking shop begins.

  • Nathanael Seidel recommends enclosing barns and stables at Christiansbrunn with pallisades to protect them from Indian attacks.

  • The communal economy ended in Christiansbrunn. [See Economic Transition]

  • First mention of the unrest in America.

  • Br Lemcke’s Birthday and visitors from London.

  • Several Weddings and a Congress member visits.

  • Prisoners of war lodge in Christiansbrunn and Nazareth.

  • County Committee requires fines
    for those who will not drill.

  • General Gates passes through.

  • Appeals day in Easton for lack of participation.

  • Mr. Laval and 7 armed men extort money for not drilling in Nazareth, Gnadenthal, and Christiansbrunn.

  • Br. Ettwein and General Woodford visit.

  • Brethren pay large sum of money for refusing to do military service.

  • A lieutenant’s arm was dislocated and reset in Christiansbrunn.

  • Refugees from Wyoming arrive.

  • Men in Christiansbrunn are forced to take oath of allegiance in Allentown.

  • French and Spanish ambassadors visit with Br. Ettwein.

  • Discussion of quartering English officers at Christiansbrunn.

  • A company of soldiers stays at Christiansbrunn.

  • Captain Segond and his company were quartered at Christiansbrunn and Nazareth.

  • Brother Ettwein came with imprisoned officers from Bethlehem to visit.

  • Brother Ettwein and a Congressman visit.

  • Brandy distilling resumes, after being prohibited by the Pennsylvania Assembly since December 1778.

  • Nazareth's Elders' Conference consider selling the Christiansbrunn land, but the Lot did not approve the proposal.

  • General Helpers' Conference resolves to "discontinue gradually" the Single Brethren's Economy, "as, for want of single brethren, it had been very difficult and imperfect for many years."

  • The Single Brethren's Economy is dissolved; only married couples will now reside at Christiansbrunn.

  • A new arrangement established in which four farmers rent the Christiansbrunn land.