8 Feb 1762, Fuss returned to his relatives in Switzerland to "settle an inheritance" (Minutes of the Single Brethren's Conference, 1762-1766, BethSB 10, MAB).
Basel, SwitzerlandBirth Year:
1722Member Year:
1748- 1743-1755 Catalog
- 1751 Population (December)
- 1751 Population
- 1752 Population of Christiansbrunn (January)
- 1755 Single Brethren at Christiansbrunn
- 1756 All Persons at Christiansbrunn (January 1756)
- 1756 Married and Single People at Christiansbrunn | Tax Return (December)
- 1757 Single Brethren at Christiansbrunn (January)
- 1758 Communion List
- 1758 Inventory of all Persons in Christiansbrunn
- 1762 Single Brethren in Christiansbrunn