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Andreas Busse

1734-1806. Born in Tallinn, Estonia. Worked as a deacon.

Jeremias Denke

1724-1795. Born in Bielawa, Poland. Worked as a deacon.

Adolph Ekesparre

1729-????. Arrived on the Irene in 1756. Moved to become head master of the newly-opened Nazareth Hall in 1759.

John Jacob Fries

1708-1793. Born in Odense, Denmark. Worked as a chaplain and a deacon.

Simon Christian Meyer

1719-1786. Born in Bad Langensalza, Germany. Worked as a button-maker and a deacon.

Johannes Schnall

1754-1819. Born in Bethlehem. Worked as a flour miller and as a deacon.

[Edward Thorpe]

1721-1797. Born in Ribly, Yorkshire, England. Worked as a cobbler, a teacher, and a deacon.