50 feet long by 21 feet wide. Hewn logs. Constructed prior to 1752.
The 1758 specification of Buildings and Lands in Bethlehem and the Upper Places lists "The Malt and Brew House as well as Father Rubel's House" (http://bdhp.moravian.edu/community_records/business/specs/specsgerman10....). An August 1757 survey, probably by Reuter, enables us to places these structures next to the Sawmill.
An 1873 drawing by John Woolf Jordan identifies the "brewery" with the Family House, which had a large cellar--in which, perhaps, barrels of beer were stored while they fermented.
Inventory in 1762:
Im Brau Haus
1 Kupferner Brau Kessel - 1 copper brewing barrel
2 Grosse Buetten - 2 big tubs
3 Kuhl Buetten - 3 cool tubs
2 Buetten zum einweichen der Gerste - 2 tubs to soak the barley
1 Buette mit 4 Eisernen Reiten - 1 tub with four iron ???
9 Faesser zu 40 Gall: jedes - 9 barrels for 40 gall: every
3 Do. zu 37 Gall. Do. - 3 barrels for 37 gall: every
12 Barrell Faesser - 12 barrels
2 Faesser zu 12 Gall. - 2 barrels to 12 gallons
1 Zuber zum Bier im Keller fragen(tragen) - 1 tub asked for beer in the basement
1 Trage Stange mit 2 Ketten - 1 carrying bar with 2 chains
2 Alte Schopp Kubel - 2 old ??? pails
16 Gute Saecke von Zwillich - 16 good sacks made of twine
10 Alte Säcke von Zwillich - 10 old sacks made of twine
The image below locates the Brewery on a 1795 map of the Christiansbrunn community.