Andrew Schout (Schaut), 1700-63, a seaman, born at Copenhagen, Denmark. Having risen to the rank of captain of a Dutch man-of-war, he in 1737 entered the service of the adventurer King Theodorus of Corsica (Baron Neuhof), who made him commander of a ten-gunship. Later he was first mate on a Russian admiral's ship. Meeting the Moravian Brethren at Reval, Russia, he became converted through tlieir testimony, and was engaged as mate on their mission
ship Irene, under Captain N. Garrison. In 1757 this ship was captured by a French privateer, and Schaut spent nine months in a French prison. Finally coming to Bethlehem, he served as constable and visitors' guide. His wife, m.n. Jungblut, whom he married in 1744, lived but a few years.
See also John Woolf Jordan, "Christian's Spring," The Moravian (August 28, 1895): 539.
CopenhagenBirth Year:
1700Death Year: