Construction on Christiansbrunn's sawmill began on 24 November 1747. After this mill was destroyed by a fire on 6 December 1749, a new mill was built on 17 April 1750. Johann David Schoepf visited Christiansbrunn in 1784. Of the sawmill, he wrote: "There is a water-wheel there of the over-thrust description, a sort rare in America. The water is conducted in underground pipes, and has sufficient flow to ascend 20 feet and turn the wheels" (Travels in the Confederation, ed. Alfred J. Morrison [Philadelphia, 1911], 191).
Inventory of 1762;
1 Brett Sage Schon geflickt - 1 sawing board, patched
2 Alte Do. unbrauchbar - 2 sawing boards, but unusable
1 Winde - 1 winch
1 Wend haken - 1 cant hook
1 Langen klam haken - 1 long cold hook?
1 Eiserne Brech stange - 1 iron crowbar
1 Do. oder danische Grus hacke - 1 iron or danish ??? hoe
2 Eiserne Naegel - 2 iron nails
1 Grossen Hammer - 1 large hammer
1 Block Haken - 1 corner piece
2 Schlegel mit Ringen
1 Hand Laterne - 1 hand lantern
1 Hobel Banck - 1 work bench
1 Schneid Banck - 1 cutting bench