11/12/1744-(?) Birthplace unknown. Occupation unknown.
Was rebuked for "undisciplined behavior" in Christiansbrunn in 1764 (16 July 1764: Minutes of the Single Brethren's Conference, 1762-1766, BethSB 10, MAB).
Birth Year:
1744- 1758 Inventory of all Persons in Christiansbrunn
- 1764 Population of Christiansbrunn
- 1764 Single Brethren, Boys, and Children in Christiansbrunn (August)
- 1767 Class of Single Brethren
- 1768 Catalog with Classes
- 1768 Classes of Single Brethren at Christiansbrunn and Nazareth Hall (August)
- 1770 Class of Single Brethren
- 1775 Northampton County Tax List (February)